Minggu, 20 Juni 2010

menulis hurup arab di microsoft word

Mungkin anda sempat bertanya-tanya atau bingung, kok bisa ya nulis arab seperti kita mengetik biasa. Ga usah khawatir, berikut ini akan aku jelasin, bagaimana setting Ms Word agar dapat menulisksn bahasa arab dengan OS Windows XP

Langkah 1

Siapkan dahulu CD Installer Windows XP

Kemudian install Bahasa, dengan langkah sbb :

1. Control panel > Regional and Language Options
2. Klik tab "Languages"
3. check checkbox "Install files for complex script and right to left language (including Thai)". Jika ada kotak dialog pilih aja OK.
4. Klik tombol "OK", jika diminta untuk memasukkan CD installer Windows XP. Masukkan aja.
5. Restat Komputer


Langkah 2

Kemudian mengaktifkan keyboard Arabic

1. Buka Control panel --> Regional and Language Options
2. Klik tab "Languages", kemudian klik tombol "Details..."
3. Klik tombol "Add" dan pilih input language: Arabic (Saudi Arabia), kemudian OK.


Perhatikan pada box Installed Services sekarang ada tambahan AR Arabic (Saudi Arabia) atau di sebelah kiri Systray sekarang ada Language bar, yang mana bisa kita switch antara keyboard EN (English) dan AR (Arabic). Sekarang kita sudah bisa menulis arabic dengan aplikasi apapun ketika languagenya kita set ke arabic. Bisa dengan notepad, OpenOffice Write, CorelDraw,bahkan ke dalam kotak content seperti sekarang ini.


Langkah 3

Selanjutanya ketika kita buka Microsoft Word kita akan mendapati tombol Left to Right dan Right to left pada toolbar Formatting. Biasanya letaknya di sebelah kanan tombol Line Spacing.

Sekarang kita tambahkan sekalian tombol Keyboard Language supaya gampang diakses. Caranya:

1. Klik Tools --> Costumize
2. Klik Tab "Command"
3. Pilih Kategori "Format"
4. Cari Icon "Keyboard Language" dan drag n drop ke sebelah kanan tombol "Right to Left"




cegukan menyerangku!!!

Cegukan terlihat sepele, namun bila sudah berlangsung lama, menunjukkan ada 
sesuatu yang tidak beres dalam tubuh. Karena tidak hanya menyangkut 
tenggorakan, tapi juga organ-organ lain. Termasuk di dalamnya otot-otot 
diagfragma, katup di tenggorokan, dan susunan saraf pusat (otak). Serta saraf 

Cegukan, dalam bahasa medisnya disebut Hiccup, disebabkan oleh kontraksi sekat 
rongga tubuh, atau kerap disebut diagfragma, yang terjadi secara mendadak. 
Kontraksi ini menimbulkan tarikan napas yang diakhiri secara refleks oleh 
tertutupnya lubang di antara kedua pita suara.  Tarikan napas akibat 
tertutupnya lubang tersebut menimbulkan suara khas waktu cegukan. Kejadian ini 
dapat timbul satu kali, dapat pula berupa rangkaian yang tak dapat 

Normalnya, saat kita menarik napas, otot-otot diafragma akan turun, dan saat 
itu pula katup tenggorokan membuka, sehingga udara yang menekan ke atas tidak 
akan berbunyi. Akan tetapi, pada cegukan, saat menarik napas, terjadi kontraksi 
atau bahasa awamnya kram pada otot diafragma dan otot-otot antara tulang iga. 
Akibatnya, keduanya akan naik. Pada saat bersamaan, epiglotis (katup/klep di 
tenggorokan) pun tertutup, sehingga udara dari diagfragma yang naik ke atas 
akan menekan klep ini. Akibatnya, terjadilah cegukan. 

Tertutupnya katup atau epiglotis ini terjadi karena adanya gangguan di lengkung 
refleks, yaitu pada susunan saraf pusat dan saraf tepi. Kedua saraf ini 
mengatur jalur pernafasan dalam tubuh manusia agar berjalan lancar. Tertutupnya 
klep ini bukan merupakan kelainan susunan saraf pusat atau saraf tepi, namun 
merupakan respon dari keduanya yang terganggu.

Oleh karena saraf tepi berukuran panjang dan berhubungan dengan organ-organ di 
dalam tubuh, maka terkadang aktivitasnya terganggu oleh penyakit yang serius. 
Sehingga, cegukan dapat pula menjadi gejala adaya radang di perut, penyakit di 
ginjal, masalah hati atau tumbuhnya tumor di leher yang mengganggu saraf, yang 
kemudian mengirim respon sehingga muncullah cegukan.

Pada dasarnya, cegukan itu ada 2 jenis. Jenis pertama disebut dengan cegukan 
ringan dan hanya berlangsung 1-2 jam, kemudian hilang sendiri. Penyebabnya 
paling sering karena adanya regangan di lambung; perubahan cuaca yang mendadak, 
dari panas ke dingin atau sebaliknya; memakan makanan yang terlalu panas atau 
dingin; minum alkohol, merokok atau mengalami stres.

Sedangkan jenis kedua, adalah cegukan permanen. Cegukan ini terjadi terus 
menerus, tak hanya berhari-hari atau berbulan-bulan, tapi juga bertahun-tahun. 
Cegukan jenis merupakan tanda atau gejala adanya gangguan di otak seperti 
gejala tumor di batang otak; gejala stroke, pada penderita stroke sering timbul 
cegukan; adanya infeksi di susunan saraf pusat; adanya herpes di dada sehingga 
mengganggu saraf tepi.

Di samping itu,u juga karena gangguan metabolik seperti pada penderita diabetes 
dan hipertensi. Atau penderita kelainan ginjal, karena urenia. Juga karena 
gangguan elektrolit (kurang kalium), termasuk pengaruh obat-obatan seperti 
steroid atau obat tidur.

Di lihat dari jenisnya, kemungkinan besar cegukan bapak anda berasal dari 
penyakit darah tinggi dan kencing manis. Komplikasi dari kedua penyakit ini 
memang bisa merusak metabolisme tubuh dan menekan saraf-saraf di otak, 
khususnya susunan saraf pusat sehingga tidak berfungsi sebagaimana adanya. 
Tidak mengherankan jika cegukan itu bisa berlangsung sampai lama.

Untuk mengatasi cegukan sementara waktu bisa dilakukan dengan cara:

1. Meminum air hangat

2. Tarik dan buang nafas, kemudian tampung di dalam kantong atau kertas 
tertutup selama kurang lebih satu menit. Hidung dan mulut masuk ke dalam 
kantong tersebut. Maksudnya adalah untuk menahan dan meningkatkan CO2, sebab 
menurunnya jumlah CO2 dalam darah bisa menyebabkan cegukan. Setelah satu menit, 
Anda bisa beristirahat dan kemudian mengulangnya kembali.

3. Tidur berbaring dengan kedua lutut ditekuk ke arah perut. Lakukan beberapa 
saat hingga cegukan hilang.
Pengobatan lain yang sering dilakukan adalah dengan menahan nafas atau menelan 
gula batu. Bisa juga minum air dingin sedikit demi sedikit dan mengeluarkannya 
dari sisi gelas yang salah. Semua itu dimaksudkan untuk mempengaruhi sistem 
saraf, sehingga menghentikan ritme cegukan. 

Tindakan lain adalah menarik dan mengeluarkan nafas dengan mulut dan hidung 
yang berada dalam kantong. Ini berdasarkan pemikiran bahwa karbondioksida akan 
meningkat saat kita menarik nafas, sehingga akan menekan aktivitas saraf di 
otak yang bertanggungjawab atas terjadinya cegukan.

Semoga membantu.


Jumat, 11 Juni 2010

Heinrich Rudolph Hertz

Heinrich Rudolph Hertz (1857 - 1894)

Heinrich Rudolf Hertz was born in Hamburg, Germany. His father was a prominent lawyer and legislator. In his youth Heinrich enjoyed building instruments in the family workshop. Hertz began his college studies at the University of Munich. After a short time he transferred to the University of Berlin, where he received his Doctor of Philosophy degree magna cum laude. In Berlin he was an assistant to Hermann von Guericke, Hall, Helmholtz, Héroult, one of the foremost physicists of the time. In 1883 Hertz became a lecturer in theoretical physics at the University of Kiel. Two years later he was appointed professor of physics at Karlsruhe Polytechnic. In the 1880s physicists were trying to obtain experimental evidence of electromagnetic waves. Their existence had been predicted in 1873 by the mathematical equations of James Clerk Maxwell, a British scientist. (portrait courtesy)
In 1887 Hertz tested Maxwell's hypothesis. He used an oscillator made of polished brass knobs, each connected to an induction coil and separated by a tiny gap over which sparks could leap. Hertz reasoned that, if Maxwell's predictions were correct, electromagnetic waves would be transmitted during each series of sparks.
To confirm this, Hertz made a simple receiver of looped wire. At the ends of the loop were small knobs separated by a tiny gap. The receiver was placed several yards from the oscillator. According to theory, if electromagnetic waves were spreading from the oscillator sparks, they would induce a current in the loop that would send sparks across the gap. This occurred when Hertz turned on the oscillator, producing the first transmission and reception of electromagnetic waves. Hertz also noted that electrical conductors reflect the waves and that they can be focused by concave reflectors. He found that nonconductors allow most of the waves to pass through. Another of his discoveries was the photoelectric effect. In 1889 Hertz was appointed professor of physics at the University of Bonn. (reference)
Hertz opened the way for the development of radio, television, and radar with his discovery of electromagnetic waves between 1886 and 1888. James Clerk Maxwell had predicted such waves in 1864. Hertz used a rapidly oscillating electric spark to produce waves of ultrahigh frequency. He showed that these waves caused similar electrical oscillations in a distant wire loop. He also showed that light waves and electromagnetic waves were identical (see Electromagnetism). Hertz was born in Hamburg.

Rabu, 09 Juni 2010

ini orang kediri

Anton Herman Gerard Fokker (6 April 1890 - 23 Desember 1939) adalah Seorang pelopor penerbangan dan produsen pesawat terbang Belanda - Amerika . Anthony (Tony) Fokker dilahirkan di Kediri, Jawa Timur. anak dari Herman Fokker seorang pemilik perkebunan kopi Belanda.

Early life

Anthony (Tony) Fokker was born in Blitar [1] (then Dutch East Indies, now Indonesia), son of Herman Fokker, a Dutch coffee plantation owner. Some sources say that he was born in Kediri. At that time, Blitar was a part of so-called Kediri Residency, a colonial-era administrative division whose capital was in Kediri.

Four years later the family returned to the Netherlands and settled in Haarlem in order to provide Tony and his older sister, Toos, with a Dutch upbringing. Tony was not studious but rather played with model trains and steam engines, and he did not complete his high school education. He devised a leak-proof tire but this was not an original invention and was already patented.

asli maluku neh!!!

Giovanni Christiaan van Bronckhorst (dipanggil Gio (dibaca "jo", lahir di Rotterdam, Belanda, 5 Mei 1975; umur 35 tahun) adalah seorang pemain sepak bola dari Belanda. Sejak tahun 2003 ia bermain di Feyenoord Rotterdam di Eredivisie. Ia biasanya berposisi sebagai pemain tengah atau pemain bertahan.

Ia memperkuat Belanda pada Piala Dunia FIFA 1998, Piala Eropa 2000, Piala Eropa 2004, Piala Eropa 2008, serta Piala Dunia FIFA 2006.

Bronckhorst adalah salah satu dari beberapa pemain Belanda dalam tim nasional Belanda pada Piala Dunia 2006 yang berketurunan Indonesia. Ayah Bronckhorst adalah seorang Indo sementara ibunya berasal dari Maluku.

Senin, 07 Juni 2010

This article is about the activist. For the ship owned and operated by the Irish group affiliated to the Free Gaza Movement, see MV Rachel Corrie.
Rachel Corrie

Rachel Corrie
Born Rachel Aliene Corrie
April 10, 1979(1979-04-10)
Died March 16, 2003 (aged 23)
Alma mater Capital High School, The Evergreen State College (TESC)
Home town Olympia, Washington, United States
Parents Craig Corrie, Cindy Corrie

Rachel Aliene Corrie (April 10, 1979 – March 16, 2003) was an American member of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM). She was crushed to death in the Gaza Strip by an Israel Defence Forces (IDF) bulldozer when she was kneeling in front of a local Palestinian's home, thus acting as a human shield, attempting to prevent IDF forces from demolishing the home. The IDF has claimed that the death was due to the restricted angle of view of the IDF Caterpillar D9 bulldozer driver, while ISM eyewitnesses said "there was nothing to obscure the driver's view."[1] A student at the Evergreen State College, she had taken a year off and traveled to the Gaza Strip during the Second Intifada.[2]

* 1 Early life
* 2 Activities in the West Bank and Gaza
o 2.1 Water well human shielding efforts
o 2.2 US flag burning at protest for 2003 invasion of Iraq controversy
o 2.3 Corrie's e-mails from Gaza to her mother
* 3 Corrie's death and subsequent controversy
o 3.1 ISM and other eyewitness accounts
o 3.2 Autopsy and investigation
* 4 Reactions and subsequent events
o 4.1 Political reactions
o 4.2 Human rights organisations' reactions
o 4.3 In the news
o 4.4 Criticism of Corrie's actions
o 4.5 Activities of Corrie's parents
+ 4.5.1 Lawsuits
+ 4.5.2 Kidnapping attempt controversy
o 4.6 Memorial events
o 4.7 Artistic tributes
o 4.8 Documentaries
o 4.9 MV Rachel Corrie
* 5 Bibliography
* 6 See also
* 7 References
* 8 Further reading
* 9 External links

Early life

Corrie was born on April 10, 1979, and raised in Olympia, Washington, United States. She was the youngest of the three children of Craig Corrie, an insurance executive, and Cindy Corrie, an amateur flautist. Cindy Corrie describes their family as "average Americans — politically liberal, economically conservative, middle class".[3][4][5]

After graduating from Capital High School, Corrie went on to attend The Evergreen State College (TESC), also located in Olympia, where she took a number of arts courses. She took one year off from her studies to work as a volunteer in the Washington State Conservation Corps; other volunteer work included making weekly visits to patients with mental disorders for three years.[5] In her senior year, she proposed an independent-study program in which she would travel to Gaza, join protesters from the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), and initiate a "sister city" project between Olympia and Rafah.[6] Before leaving, she also organized a pen-pal program between kids in Olympia and Rafah.[7]

Friends described her as "attractive in a plain-spoken way, the opposite of flashy, not working to call attention to herself. She was reserved in large crowds but intimate one-on-one".[4] Colin Reese, Corrie's roommate, said she had wanted to become a writer and artist. Reese also said she was "not the most punctual or tidy person in the world," but that when it came to peace work, she "would work harder and longer than anybody else".[4]
Activities in the West Bank and Gaza
See also: House demolition in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict and Gaza Strip smuggling tunnels

After flying to Israel on January 22, 2003, Corrie underwent a two-day training course at ISM West Bank headquarters, before heading to Rafah to participate in ISM demonstrations.[4][6] During her training, Corrie studied tactics of direct action. Basic rules about avoiding harm were given, which a featured article on the Corrie incident summarized as: "Wear fluorescent jackets. Don't run. Don't frighten the army. Try to communicate by megaphone. Make your presence known."[6] On January 27, 2003, Corrie and William Hewitt (also from Olympia), traveled to the Erez checkpoint and entered the Gaza Strip.[6]

While in Rafah, Corrie acted as a human shield in an attempt to impede house demolitions carried out by the IDF using armored bulldozers.[2] On Corrie's first night there, she and two other ISM members set up camp inside Block J, often a target for Israeli gunfire. Israeli troops fired bullets over their tent and at the ground a few feet away. Deciding that their presence was provoking the Israeli soldiers, not deterring them, Corrie and her colleagues hurriedly dismantled their tent and left the area.[6]

Qishta, a Palestinian who worked as an interpreter, noted that: "Late January and February was a very crazy time. There were house demolitions taking place all over the border strip and the activists had no time to do anything else."[6] Qishta also stated of the ISM activists: "They were not only brave; they were crazy."[6] The confrontations were not without harm to the activists; a British participant was wounded by shrapnel.[6]

Palestinian militants expressed concern that the "internationals" staying in tents between the Israeli watchtowers and the residential neighborhoods would get caught in crossfire, while other residents were concerned that the young activists might be spies. Corrie worked hard to overcome this suspicion, learning a few words of Arabic, participating in a mock trial denouncing the "crimes of the Bush Administration."[6] With time, the ISM members were taken into Palestinian family homes, and provided with meals and beds. Even so, in the days before Corrie's death, a letter gained wide circulation in Rafah, casting suspicion again on the ISM members. "Who are they? Why are they here? Who asked them to come here?" it asked.[6] The letter caused the activists to be preoccupied and frustrated, and on the morning of Corrie's death they planned ways to counteract its effects. According to one activist, "We all had a feeling that our role was too passive. We talked about how to engage the Israeli military."[6]

On March 14, 2003, during an interview with the Middle East Broadcasting network, Corrie said:

"I feel like I'm witnessing the systematic destruction of a people's ability to survive ... Sometimes I sit down to dinner with people and I realize there is a massive military machine surrounding us, trying to kill the people I'm having dinner with."[6]

Water well human shielding efforts

According to a January 2003 article by Gordon Murray, in the last month of her life Rachel "spent a lot of time at the Canada Well helping protect Rafah municipal workers," who were trying to repair damages to the well incurred by Israeli bulldozers. Built in 1999 with CIDA funding, Canada Well, together with El Iskan Well, had supplied more than 50% of Rafah's water before being damaged, and the city had been under "strict rationing (only a few hours of running water on alternate days)" since. Murray writes that ISM activists were maintaining a presence there since "Israeli snipers and tanks routinely shot at civilian workers trying to repair the wells." In one of her reports, Corrie relates that despite having received permission from Israeli District Command Office, and carrying "banners and megaphones the activists and workers were fired upon several times over a period of about one hour. One of the bullets came within two metres of three internationals and a municipal water worker close enough to spray bits of debris in their faces as it landed at their feet."[8] According to Murray, the Canadian government refused to "officially protest or denounce the Israeli army actions", yet "quietly agreed to help fund the estimated $450,000 repair costs".[9]
US flag burning at protest for 2003 invasion of Iraq controversy

While in Gaza, Rachel took part in a demonstration as part of the February 15, 2003 anti-war protest against the invasion of Iraq, where she was photographed burning a mock US flag.[6][10] Robert Spencer criticized Corrie for having burned the flag in front of children, writing that she was “fostering... hatred” of the United States.[11]

After her death, International Solidarity Movement ("ISM") and Corrie's parents wrote about the circulated picture of the incident:

"Trying to use this picture to somehow indicate that Rachel deserved to be run over by a bulldozer is an appalling act of demonization that infers that forms of protest which include flag burning are capital offences. In the words of Rachel's parents: 'The act, while we may disagree with it, must be put into context. Rachel was partaking in a demonstration in Gaza opposing the War on Iraq. She was working with children who drew two pictures, one of the American flag, and one of the Israeli flag, for burning. Rachel said that she could not bring herself to burn the picture of the Israeli flag with the Star of David on it, but under such circumstances, in protest over a drive towards war and her government's foreign policy that was responsible for much of the devastation that she was witness to in Gaza, she felt it OK to burn the picture of her own flag. We have seen photographs of memorials held in Gaza after Rachel's death in which Palestinian children and adults honor our daughter by carrying a mock coffin draped with the American flag. We have been told that our flag has never been treated so respectfully in Gaza in recent years. We believe Rachel brought a different face of the United States to the Palestinian people, a face of compassion. It is this image of Rachel with the American flag that we hope will be remembered most.'"[12]

Corrie's e-mails from Gaza to her mother

Rachel Corrie sent a series of e-mails to her mother while she was in Gaza, of which four were later published by The Guardian (on page 2, comments and features section, March 18, 2003[13]) and in January 2008 in a memorial book entitled Let Me Stand Alone by W. W. Norton & Company, along with her other collected writings.[14][15][16] Yale Professor David Bromwich stated, Rachel left "letters of great interest" and she had studied methods of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King with care.[17] Corrie wrote to her mother, "The vast majority of Palestinians right now, as far as I can tell, are engaged in Gandhian nonviolent resistance."[14] Her letters later formed the basis of the theatre play My Name is Rachel Corrie, and some parts of the letters were also used in the cantata The Skies are Weeping.
Corrie's death and subsequent controversy

On March 16, 2003, an IDF operation in the land between the Rafah refugee camp and the border with Egypt was engaged in house demolition, which the IDF says is necessary to destroy guerrilla hideouts and smuggling tunnels.[18] Corrie was part of a group of seven ISM activists (three British and four US) attempting to disrupt the actions of Israeli bulldozers. Corrie, who had positioned herself in the path of a Caterpillar D9R armored bulldozer, was fatally injured. She was transported to a Palestinian hospital. Accounts vary as to whether she died at the scene, in the ambulance on the way to the hospital, or at the hospital.[19]
An armored Caterpillar D9R Bulldozer used by the IDF.

The events surrounding Corrie's death are disputed. ISM eyewitnesses assert that the Israeli soldier driving the bulldozer deliberately ran Corrie over while she was acting as a human shield to prevent the demolition of the home of local pharmacist Samir Nasrallah.[20][21] The ISM said she was interposed between the bulldozer and a wall near Nasrallah's home, in which ISM activists had several times spent the night.[6] The Israeli Government and the IDF denied that version of events and described Corrie's death as an accident. The official Israeli response stated that Corrie was killed by debris pushed over by the bulldozer, that the driver did not see her, and that the bulldozer was clearing brush and not engaged in a demolition when Corrie blocked its path. This was the conclusion reached in June 2003 by a military investigation by the Israel Defense Forces Judge Advocate’s Office. “The driver at no point saw or heard Corrie,” an army source told the Jerusalem Post. “She was standing behind debris which obstructed the view of the driver and the driver had a very limited field of vision due to the protective cage he was working in.” Other reports say the Israeli government alleged that the house being demolished contained a tunnel used for smuggling weapons from Egypt.[22]

The major points of dispute are whether the bulldozer driver saw Corrie, and whether her injuries were caused by being crushed under the blade or by the mound of debris the bulldozer was pushing. An IDF spokesman has acknowledged that Israeli army regulations normally require that the drivers of the armored personnel carriers (APCs) that accompany bulldozers are responsible for directing the drivers towards their targets, because the Caterpillar D9 bulldozers have a restricted field of vision with several blind spots.[23] However, the Israeli army commander of the Gaza Strip said in an interview broadcast on Israeli television that on the day of Corrie's death, soldiers had to stay in their armored vehicles and were not able to direct the bulldozer or arrest the protesters, because of the threat of Palestinian sniper fire. He also said that Israeli soldiers may have been handling other ISM activists instead of watching over the bulldozer.[citation needed] In a statement issued the day after Corrie's death, the ISM said that, "When the bulldozer refused to stop or turn aside she climbed up onto the mound of dirt and rubble being gathered in front of it... to look directly at the driver who kept on advancing."[24]

The IDF produced a video about Corrie's death that includes footage taken from inside the cockpit of a D9. It makes a "credible case", Joshua Hammer wrote of this video in Mother Jones, that "the operators, peering out through narrow, double-glazed, bulletproof windows, their view obscured behind pistons and the giant scooper, might not have seen Corrie kneeling in front of them."[6]
ISM and other eyewitness accounts

Joe Carr, an American ISM activist who used the assumed name of Joseph Smith during his time in Gaza, gave the following account in an affidavit recorded and published by the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR):
Corrie being tended by her friends after being crushed by a bulldozer

Still wearing her fluorescent jacket, she knelt down at least 15 meters in front of the bulldozer, and began waving her arms and shouting, just as activists had successfully done dozens of times that day... When it got so close that it was moving the earth beneath her, she climbed onto the pile of rubble being pushed by the bulldozer... Her head and upper torso were above the bulldozer’s blade, and the bulldozer driver and co-operator could clearly see her. Despite this, the driver continued forward, which caused her to fall back, out of view of the diver. [sic] He continued forward, and she tried to scoot back, but was quickly pulled underneath the bulldozer. We ran towards him, and waved our arms and shouted; one activist with the megaphone. But the bulldozer driver continued forward, until Rachel was all the way underneath the central section of the bulldozer.[25]

On March 18, 2003, only two days after Corrie's death, Joe (Smith) Carr was interviewed by British Channel 4 and The Observer reporter Sandra Jordan for a documentary that was aired June 2003 on Channel 4 titled The Killing Zone.

"It was either a really gross mistake or a really brutal murder"[26]

According to the Seattle Times, "Smith, who witnessed Sunday's incident, said it began when Corrie sat down in front of the bulldozer. He said the driver scooped her up with a pile of earth, dumped her on the ground and ran over her twice."[27]

Smith also observed:

"We were horribly surprised. They had been careful not to hurt us. They'd always stopped before."[19]

British ISM activist Tom Dale, who was standing yards away from Corrie, told journalist Joshua Hammer, Jerusalem bureau chief for Newsweek:

The bulldozer built up earth in front of it... She tried to climb on top of the earth, to avoid being overwhelmed. She climbed to the point where her shoulders were above the top lip of the blade. She was standing on this pile of earth. As the bulldozer continued, she lost her footing, and she turned and fell down this pile of earth. Then it seemed like she got her foot caught under the blade. She was helpless, pushed prostrate, and looked absolutely panicked, with her arms out, and the earth was piling itself over her. The bulldozer continued so that the place where she fell down was directly beneath the cockpit... The whole [incident] took place in about six or seven seconds.[6]

An individual giving the name Richard, who stated that he witnessed Corrie's death, as recorded by the Israeli newspaper Haaretz:

There's no way he didn't see her, since she was practically looking into the cabin. At one stage, he turned around toward the building. The bulldozer kept moving, and she slipped and fell off the plow. But the bulldozer kept moving, the shovel above her. I guess it was about 10 or 15 meters that it dragged her and for some reason didn't stop. We shouted like crazy to the driver through loudspeakers that he should stop, but he just kept going and didn't lift the shovel. Then it stopped and backed up. We ran to Rachel. She was still breathing.[28]

British ISM activist Richard Purssell gave the following account, in an affidavit made in a manner similar to Carr's:

As the bulldozer reached the place where Rachel was standing, she began as many of us did on the day to climb the pile of earth. She reached the top and at this point she must have been clearly visible to the driver, especially as she was still wearing the high visibility jacket ["orange fluorescent... with reflective strips"]. She turned and faced in my direction and began to come back down the pile. The bulldozer continued to move forward at [5-6 mph]. As her feet hit the ground I saw a panicked expression on her face... The pile of earth engulfed her and she was hidden from my view.[25]

Some eyewitness accounts indicate that when Corrie slipped and fell, the driver may have been looking behind him.[29]

The bulldozer driver, a Russian immigrant to Israel, was interviewed on Israeli TV and insisted he had no idea she was in front of him:

You can't hear, you can't see well. You can go over something and you'll never know. I scooped up some earth, I couldn't see anything. I pushed the earth, and I didn't see her at all. Maybe she was hiding in there.[6]

Autopsy and investigation

Prime Minister of Israel Ariel Sharon, promised President Bush a "thorough, credible, and transparent investigation."[6] Later, Capt. Jacob Dallal, a spokesman for the Israeli army, called Corrie's death a "regrettable accident" and said that she and the other ISM activists were "a group of protesters who were acting very irresponsibly, putting everyone in danger — the Palestinians, themselves and our forces — by intentionally placing themselves in a combat zone."

An autopsy was conducted on March 24 at the Israel's National Center of Forensic Medicine in Tel Aviv. The final report was not released publicly, but in their report on the matter Human Rights Watch asserts a copy was provided to them by Craig Corrie, with a translation supplied by the U.S. Department of State. In the report they quote Professor Yehuda Hiss, who performed the autopsy, as concluding that "her death was caused by pressure on the chest (mechanical asphyxiation) with fractures of the ribs and vertebrae of the dorsal spinal column and scapulas, and tear wounds in the right lung with hemorrhaging of the pleural cavities."[30]

According to a correspondent for Gannett News Service, the IDF document, "The Death of Rachel Corrie" made no mention of the pathologist's conclusion, though, according to Corrie's parents, the entire document has not been released.[31]

On June 26, 2003, the Jerusalem Post quoted an Israeli military spokesman as saying that Corrie had not been run over and that the driver had not seen her:

"The driver at no point saw or heard Corrie. She was standing behind debris which obstructed the view of the driver and the driver had a very limited field of vision due to the protective cage he was working in... The driver and his commanders were interrogated extensively over a long period of time with the use of polygraph tests and video evidence. They had no knowledge that she was standing in the path of the tractor. An autopsy of Corrie's body revealed that the cause of death was from falling debris and not from the tractor physically rolling over her. It was a tragic accident that never should have happened."

"The International Solidarity Movement, to which Corrie belonged, was directly responsible for illegal behavior and conduct in the area of Corrie's death and their actions directly led to this tragedy."[32]

The Israeli army's report [seen by the The Guardian], claimed:

The army was searching for explosives in the border zone when Corrie was "struck as she stood behind a mound of earth that was created by an engineering vehicle operating in the area and she was hidden from the view of the vehicle's operator who continued with his work. Corrie was struck by dirt and a slab of concrete resulting in her death ... The finding of the operational investigations shows that Rachel Corrie was not run over by an engineering vehicle but rather was struck by a hard object, most probably a slab of concrete which was moved or slid down while the mound of earth which she was standing behind was moved," (The Guardian, April 14, 2003).[33]

Howard Blume told that IDF claimed:

"[a bulldozer with 2 crews] was engaged in "routine terrain leveling and debris clearing," not building demolition. Quoting from the IDF report, Corrie died "as a result of injuries sustained when earth and debris accidentally fell on her ... Ms. Corrie was not run over by the bulldozer", he added, IDF also claimed she was possibly "in a blindspot for the bulldozer operators and "behind an earth mound," so they did not see that she was in harm's way."[34]

In later IDF operations, the house was damaged (a hole was knocked in a wall) and was later destroyed. By that time, the Nasrallah family had moved into a different house. It was reported in 2006 that the house that Corrie was trying to protect was rebuilt with funds raised by The Rebuilding Alliance.[35]

A spokesman for the IDF told the Guardian that, while it did not accept responsibility for Corrie's death, it intended to change its operational procedures to avoid similar incidents in the future. The level of command of similar operations would be raised, said the spokesman, and civilians in the area would be dispersed or arrested before operations began. Observers will be deployed and CCTV cameras will be installed on the bulldozers to compensate for blind spots, which may have contributed to Corrie's death.

The IDF gave copies of the report, entitled "The Death of Rachel Corrie," to members of the U.S. Congress in April 2003, and Corrie's family released the document to the media in June 2003, according to the Gannett News Service.[36] In March 2004 the family said that the entire report had not been released, and that only they and two American staffers at the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv had been allowed to view it. The family said they were allowed to look at the report in the Consulate General of Israel to the Pacific Northwest in San Francisco.[37] The ISM rejected the Israeli report, stating that it contradicted their members' eyewitness reports and that the investigation had been far from credible and transparent.[38]
Reactions and subsequent events
A Palestinian memorial
The Ramallah municipality dedicated a street to Rachel Corrie on 16 March 2010.

Corrie's death sparked controversy and led to international media coverage, in part because she was an American, and in part because of the highly politicized nature of the conflict itself.
Political reactions

U.S. Representative Brian Baird introduced House Concurrent Resolution 111 in the U.S. Congress on March 25, 2003, calling on the U.S. government to "undertake a full, fair, and expeditious investigation" into Corrie's death. The House of Representatives took no action on the resolution.[39] The Corrie family joined Representative Baird in calling for a U.S. investigation.[40] Baird, though reelected in 2004, 2006, and 2008, has not reintroduced the resolution in the Congress.

Yasser Arafat offered his condolences and gave the blessings of the Palestinian people to Corrie.[24] Arafat promised to name a street in Gaza after Corrie; according to Hammer this however was not done.[6] According to Cindy Corrie Arafat told Craig Corrie, "She is your daughter but she is also the daughter of all Palestinians. She is ours too now.” on the phone.[41]

In March 21, 2003, Green Party of the USA, called an investigation for "murder of American Peace Activist Rachel Corrie by Israeli Forces".[42]

Former New Democratic Party Member of the Parliament of Canada Svend Robinson nominated ISM for 2004 Nobel Peace Prize, praising Brian Avery, Tom Hurndall and Rachel Corrie for their attempts.[43][44][45][46]
Human rights organisations' reactions

Amnesty International USA called for an independent inquiry, with Christine Bustany, their advocacy director for the Middle East, saying that "U.S.-made bulldozers have been 'weaponized' and their transfer to Israel must be suspended."[47]

In 2005, Human Rights Watch published a report titled Promoting Impunity: The Israeli Military's Failure to Investigate Wrongdoing, raising several issues related to the impartiality and professionalism with which the Military Police investigation was conducted. Among them were what Human Rights Watch described as the investigators' lack of preparation; "hostile," "inappropriate," "mostly accusatory" questions they asked witnesses; omitting to get witnesses to draw maps or identify locations on a map of how it occurred; and their asserted uninterest in reconciling soldiers' testimonies with those of other eyewitnesses. The report was not limited in scope to Corrie's death; it described a number of similar instances in which one-line summary findings were reported to the media after closed investigations in which neither non-military witnesses nor victims or their families were involved.[48]
In the news
Rachel Corrie memorial vigil at Israeli Embassy in Washington, DC March 18, 2003

There were reports that because she was an American, her death attracted the kind of attention that the deaths of Palestinians fail to garner. The Observer wrote that: "On the night of Corrie's death, nine Palestinians were killed in the Gaza Strip, among them a four-year-old girl and a man aged 90. A total of 220 people have died in Rafah since the beginning of the intifada. Palestinians know the death of one American receives more attention than the killing of hundreds of Muslims."

A Hamas activist told the newspaper: "[Corrie's] death serves me more than it served her. Going in front of the tanks was heroic. Her death will bring more attention than the other 2,000 martyrs."[23]

Corrie's photograph has been carried during protests against Israel's actions in Gaza and the West Bank. On July 15, 2003, the Chicago Tribune reported that: "To the people of Rafah, Rachel Corrie will always remain a very special martyr, their American martyr."

In 2006, Haaretz political columnist Bradley Burston, asserted Corrie's death was accidental, yet "incidental killing is no less tragic than intentional killing", he criticized both the pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli sides for excessive rhetoric, noting that:

"Of all of the tragedies and casualties of the intifada, in which more than 4,000 people were killed over five years, the case of Rachel Corrie still stands apart, the subject of intense world interest and fierce debate. ... Part of it starts with us. "They had no business being there" is no excuse for what the Pentagon long ago christened collateral damage. We've learned much. But we're still not there. We should have saved Rachel Corrie's life that day, either by sending out a spotter or delaying the bulldozer's work. Right now, somewhere in the West Bank, there's an eight-year-old whose life could be saved next week, if we've managed to learn the lesson and are resourceful enough to know how to apply it."[49]

Criticism of Corrie's actions

According to The Boston Globe, "Corrie... has been praised as a heroic martyr and denounced as a misguided, ill-informed naïf."[50] In a review of Simone Bitton's documentary Rachel, Salon noted that Corrie was subjected to "shocking verbal abuse" on right-wing bulletin boards and Web sites, including "grotesque sexual fantasies and elaborate conspiracy theories".[51]

Journalist and Middle East commentator Tom Gross has referred to "the cult of Rachel Corrie." In an article called "The Forgotten Rachels" republished on his website, Gross refers to six other women called Rachel, Jewish victims of the Arab-Israeli conflict whose deaths, he wrote, received little, if any, coverage outside Israel.[52] Gross went on to argue that "Partly thanks to the efforts of Corrie and her fellow activists, the flow of explosives from Egypt into Gaza continued – and were later used to kill children in southern Israel." The article prompted a National Review editorial arguing that "Corrie’s death was unfortunate, but more unfortunate is a Western media and cultural establishment that lionizes 'martyrs' for illiberal causes while ignoring the victims those causes create."[53]

In March 2003, the University of Maryland, College Park's campus newspaper The Diamondback published an editorial cartoon by Daniel J. Friedman, depicting Rachel Corrie sitting in front of an approaching bulldozer, with two definitions of the word "stupidity" from the American Heritage Dictionary, along with an additional self-created third line "sitting in front of a bulldozer to protect a gang of terrorists," resulting in student sit-ins and protests at the University of Maryland the Wednesday after the cartoon appeared.[54] The group Palestine Media Watch published the e-mail addresses and phone number of Diamondback editors, urging readers to contact the newspaper to secure an apology,[55] and thousands of e-mails and hundreds of phone calls were received by the paper in protest. Describing the cartoon as "indecent and anti-American," over 60 student protesters staged a sit-in at the newspaper's offices (with 10 staying overnight), demanding that the paper apologize and "publish an article honoring Corrie's life".[56] The newspaper refused to apologize, "though many staff members [including Jay Parson] objected to the cartoon's viewpoint" while "the newspaper had received thousands of e-mails and hundreds of telephone calls protesting the cartoon", citing the First Amendment. While Friedman did not return the telephone call and e-mail by The Associated Press, editor-in-chief Jay Parsons commented, "The decision was about freedom of speech, and that made the decision easy."[54]
Activities of Corrie's parents
Craig and Cindy Corrie at an End the Occupation rally, 2007

Since their daughter's death, Corrie's parents, Cindy and Craig, have spent time trying to "promote peace and raise awareness about the plight of Palestinians," and continue what they believe to be her work.[57][58] The Corries have worked to set up foundations, launch projects in memory of their daughter, and advance investigation into the incident, approaching the US Congress and the courts for redress.[59]

Corries' parents have several times visited the region since their daughter's death,[60][61] and have twice visited Gaza.[62] Following their daughter's death, they visited Gaza and Israel, seeing the place where Rachel died, and meeting ISM members and Palestinians who she had known.[59] They also visited Ramallah in the West Bank, where Arafat met them and presented them with a plaque in memory of their daughter.[63] On March 28, 2008 they addressed a demonstration in Ramallah at which Craig Corrie said: "This village has become a symbol of nonviolent resistance. I call for solidarity with the people of Palestine in resisting the conditions imposed by the Israeli occupation to prevent the establishment of their state."[64]

The Nasrallahs, the Palestinian family whose home Rachel believed she was preventing from destruction, joined the Corries on a cross-country tour in the United States in June 2005. The aim of the trip was to raise funds to rebuild the Nasrallah home, and other homes destroyed in Rafah with the cooperation of the Rebuilding Alliance. The 22-city, 7 state tour made stops in Iowa and California among other locations.[57][65][66]

Corrie's family and several Palestinians filed a lawsuit against Caterpillar Inc. alleging liability under various Federal statutes over the death of Corrie in connection with the bulldozers, alleging Caterpillar supplied them to the Israelis despite having notice they would be used to further "a policy plaintiffs contend violates international law." The case was dismissed by a Federal judge in November 2005 for lack of subject matter jurisdiction, citing, among other things, the political question doctrine. The judge found, alternatively, that the plaintiffs' claims failed on the merits.[67]

The ruling was appealed to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. On September 17, 2007, the Ninth Circuit affirmed the dismissal on political question grounds, and did not reach the merits of the suit. The Court found that as the bulldozers were paid for by the U.S. Government as part of its aid to Israel, that the Judicial Branch could not rule on the merits of the case without ruling on whether or not the government's financing of such bulldozers was appropriate, a matter it felt was not entrusted to the Judicial Branch.[68]

A lawsuit was also filed against the Israel Defense Forces and the Israeli Defense Ministry.[69] In February 2010, after pressure from the USA, Israel gave entry visas to four ISM witnesses so that they could testify. However it refused entry permission to the Palestinian physician from Gaza who had examined Corrie's wounds on the scene, and also rejected an application for him to testify by video link.[70] The case will begin in Haifa on March 10, 2010.[71]
Kidnapping attempt controversy

During a visit in January 2006, two Palestinians, one armed, entered the home of Samir Nasrallah, the Palestinian pharmacist whose former home Rachel Corrie had been trying to protect when she was killed.[6][60] Corrie's parents were staying overnight there, and it was reported that the gunmen had tried to kidnap them,[72][73] but had abandoned their plans when told who his guests were.[60] According to Nasrallah, the gunmen were seeking Americans as bargaining chips to secure the release of Alaa al-Hams, a Palestinian militia leader arrested by Palestine intelligence on suspicion of ordering the abduction of British human-rights activist Kate Burton and her parents.[72][74][75]

The ISM issued a statement asserting that the actual targets whose home the gunmen came to were three Americans staying nearby, and that the Corries helped talk the men out of their plan. By the ISM's account, "the Corries were never threatened with kidnapping, nor did gunmen burst into the house where the Corries were staying."[76] The Jerusalem Post reported Craig Corrie as saying: "There was never a threat made against us and the gun was never pointed at anyone." According to the Post, Craig Corrie said that when he entered the room and saw the man with the gun, he feared it might be a kidnapping attempt, but that the situation was never described to him that way by his host. Corrie added that the media accounts over-dramatized the incident.[77]
Memorial events
Vigil in Olympia, WA

Immediately after her death, posters and graffiti praising Corrie were posted in Rafah, with one graffiti tag reading, "Rachel was an American citizen with Palestinian blood." To most Palestinians, everyone killed by the Israeli army is considered a shaheed (martyr), and hundreds of local residents came to express their condolences.[9] The day after Corrie died, about thirty American and European ISM activists with 300 Palestinians[78] began protests during the public memorial service over the spot where she was fatally injured in Rafah, Jordan states that IDF sent a representative to the memorial as the service "got under way". However, Murray asserts that the same bulldozer that killed Corrie, identified by its army serial number 949623, suddenly appeared at the memorial. According to Jordan, "A bizarre game of cat-and-mouse began as the peace activists chased the tank around", with protesters covering the tank with posters of Corrie and throwing flowers on it. In response, it is alleged that "Israeli soldiers inside threatened, in return, to run them down", a tank sprayed the mourners with tear gas and later armoured personnel carriers [APC] fired guns along with percussion bombs. Murray further claimed IDF fired "concussion grenades, tear gas, warning shots" over the protesters while they were choking on diesel smoke. The escalating danger caused the memorial service to be halted.[9][23]

In 2008, Corrie's parents commemorated the fifth anniversary of her death at an event held in the West Bank town of Nablus. About 150 Palestinians and foreigners joined them to dedicate a memorial to Corrie on one of the city's streets.[61]
Artistic tributes
My Name Is Rachel Corrie at Playhouse Theatre, London, 2006.
Main articles: The Skies are Weeping and My Name is Rachel Corrie

More than 30 songs were written about and dedicated to Rachel Corrie since 2003 by various musicians including Patti Smith, Alice Shields, Mike Stout, Billy Bragg, Philip Munger, David Rovics, Christy Moore, Jim Page, Dawud Wharnsby, Elizabeth Hummel with Carl Dexter, Valerie Webb with Paul LaBrecque, Ben Ellis with Lawrence Williams and music groups including Klimt 1918, Ten Foot Pole, The Can Kickers, Project Qua Project and Casa del Vento, internationally.

In 2004, Alaskan composer Philip Munger wrote a cantata about Corrie called The Skies are Weeping, which was scheduled to premiere on April 27 at the University of Alaska Anchorage, where Munger teaches. Many objected to the upcoming performance, including members of the Jewish community, and a forum was held, co-chaired by Munger and a local rabbi, who described the work as bordering on anti-Semitic and said it "romanticized terrorism." Munger later related that he had received threatening e-mails "[just] short of what you'd take to the troopers", and that some of his students had received similar communications.[79] After the forum "disintegrate[d]", Munger announced, "I cannot subject 16 students... to any possibility of physical harm or to the type of character assassination some of us are already undergoing. Performance of The Skies are Weeping at this time and place is withdrawn for the safety of the student performers.”[80] The cantata was eventually performed at the Hackney Empire theatre in London, premiering on November 1, 2005.[81]

In early 2005, My Name is Rachel Corrie, a play composed from Corrie's journals and e-mails from Gaza and directed by British actor Alan Rickman, was presented in London and later revived in October 2005. The play was to be transported to the New York Theatre Workshop, but when it was postponed indefinitely, the English producers denounced the decision as "censorship" and withdrew the show.[82][83] It finally opened Off-Broadway on October 15, 2006, for an initial run of 48 performances.[84] The play has also been published as a paperback, and performed in ten countries worldwide, including Israel.[85]

In 2006, Australian playwright Ben Ellis wrote Blindingly Obvious Facts, a 10-minute fugue composed of "ugly" verbatim excerpts from right-wing blogs discussing Corrie's death.[86] It was performed as part of the 2007 Melbourne season of the Short and Sweet short play competition.[87] In early 2008, Sydney composer Lawrence Williams mixed a recorded version of Ellis' play for the play's Sydney Short and Sweet production.[88]
Main article: Rachel (film)

In 2003, British Channel 4 and The Observer reporter Sandra Jordan and producer Rodrigo Vasquez, made a documentary that was aired June 2003 on Channel 4 titled The Killing Zone, about ongoing violence in the Gaza Strip. Jordan said: "There has been a lot of interest in Britain and around the world about what happened to Rachel, I find it highly disappointing that no serious American investigative journalist has taken Rachel's story seriously or questioned or challenged the Israeli Army version of events."[89]

In 2005, the BBC produced a 60 minute documentary entitled When Killing is Easy aka Shooting the Messenger, Why are foreigners suddenly under fire in Israel?, described as "a meticulous examination of" the shooting to death of James Miller, who was "a British cameraman with considerable experience of filming in war zones", by Israeli soldiers in May 2003; the shooting of British photography student Tom Hurndall as "he tried to rescue a terrified Palestinian child from a hail of Israeli bullets" in April 2003 and the death of "American peace activist" Rachel Corrie after "she was crushed by an Israeli bulldozer" in March 2003, while trying to find an answer to the question: "Were the attacks random acts of violence, or do they represent a culture of killing with impunity which is sanctioned by the higher echelons of the Israeli army?"[90][91][92]

In 2005 Yahya Barakat, who lectures on TV production, cinematography, and filmmaking at al-Quds University, filmed a documentary in Arabic with English subtitles, named Rachel Corrie - An American Conscience.[93][94][95][96]

In 2009, a documentary film titled Rachel is produced by Morocco born, French-Israeli director Simone Bitton detailing the death of Rachel Corrie from "an Israeli point of view".[51] Its first North American public screening was at the 2009 Tribeca Film Festival.[97]
MV Rachel Corrie
Main article: MV Rachel Corrie

On 30 March 2010, a 1800-tonne vessel was bought at auction in Dundalk, Ireland for €70,000 by the Free Gaza Movement. It was outfitted for use in a voyage to Gaza, named in honour of Rachel Corrie and launched 12 May 2010. It sailed to join a flotilla intended to directly confront Israel’s blockade of Gaza and take in basic supplies. The flotilla was intercepted (see Gaza flotilla raid) however the MV Rachel Corrie had not reached the other ships and continued towards Gaza by itself. Israeli navy officers addressed the ship as "Linda" — the vessel's name before it was renamed for Rachel Corrie.[98] The ship was intercepted by the Israeli navy on Saturday, June 5, 2010, 23 miles off the coast, and diverted to the port of Ashdod. There the cargo was to be inspected and sent over land to Gaza.[99]

da yang tau arti nya???

dia salah satu wanita yang keren!!


berjiwa sosial yang besar

namun sayang kita tak bsa lagi berbincang dengan nya

dia sudah pergi di lindah bulldozer tentara israel


kejam ya israel

sumber : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rachel_Corrie

Minggu, 06 Juni 2010


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Contoh satelit GPS dengan berbagai orbit

Satelit adalah benda yang mengorbit benda lain dengan periode revolusi dan rotasi tertentu. Ada dua jenis satelit yakni satelit alam dan satelit buatan. Sisa artikel ini akan berkisar tentang satelit buatan.

Sejarah Satelit

Satelit buatan manusia pertama adalah Sputnik 1, diluncurkan oleh Soviet pada tanggal 4 Oktober 1957, dan memulai Program Sputnik Rusia, dengan Sergei Korolev sebagai kepala disain dan Kerim Kerimov sebagai asistentnya. Peluncuran ini memicu lomba ruang angkasa (space race) antara Soviet dan Amerika.

Sputnik 1 membantuk mengidentifikasi kepadatan lapisan atas atmosfer dengan jalan mengukur perubahan orbitnya dan memberikan data dari distribusi signal radio pada lapisan ionosphere. Karena badan satelit ini diisi dengan nitrogen bertekanan tinggi, Sputnik 1 juga memberi kesempatan pertama dalam pendeteksian meteorit, karena hilangnya tekanan dalam disebabkan oleh penetrasi meteroid bisa dilihat melalui data suhu yang dikirimkannya ke bumi.

Sputnik 2 diluncurkan pada tanggal 3 November 1957 dan membawa awak mahluk hidup pertama ke dalam orbit, seekor anjing bernama Laika.

Pada bulan Mei, 1946, Project Rand mengeluarkan desain preliminari untuk experimen wahana angkasa untuk mengedari dunia, yang menyatakan bahwa, "sebuah kendaraan satelit yang berisi instrumentasi yang tepat bisa diharapkan menjadi alat ilmu yang canggih untuk abad ke duapuluh". Amerika sudah memikirkan untuk meluncurkan satelit pengorbit sejak 1946 dibawah Kantor Aeronotis angkatan Laut Amerika (Bureau of Aeronautics of the United States Navy). Project RAND milik Angkatan Udara Amerika akhirnya mengeluarkan laporan diatas, tetapi tidak mengutarakan bahwa satelit memiliki potensi sebagai senjata militer; tetapi, mereka menganggapnya sebagai alat ilmu, politik, dan propaganda. Pada tahun 1954, Sekertari Pertahanan Amerika menyatakan, "Saya tidak mengetahui adanya satupun program satelit Amerika."

Pada tanggal 29 Juli 1955, Gedung Putih mencanangkan bahwa Amerika Serikat akan mau meluncurkan satelit pada musim semi 1958. Hal ini kemudian diketahui sebagai Project Vanguard. Pada tanggal 31 July, Soviets mengumumkan bahwa mereka akan meluncurkan satelit pada musim gugur 1957.

Mengikuti tekanan dari American Rocket Society (Masyarakat Roket America), the National Science Foundation (Yayasan Sains national), and the International Geophysical Year, interest angkatan bersenjata meningkat dan pada awal 1955 Angkatan Udara Amerika dan Angkatan Laut mengerjai Project Orbiter, yang menggunakan wahana Jupiter C untuk meluncurkan satelit. Proyek ini berlangsung sukses, dan Explorer 1 menjadi satelit Amerika pertama pada tanggal 31 januari 1958.

Pada bulan Juni 1961, tiga setengah tahun setelah meluncurnya Sputnik 1, Angkatan Udara Amerika menggunakan berbagai fasilitas dari Jaringan Mata Angkasa Amerika (the United States Space Surveillance Network) untuk mengkatalogkan sejumlah 115 satelit yang mengorbit bumi.

Satelit buatan manusia terbesar pada saat ini yang mengorbit bumi adalah Station Angkasa Interasional (International Space Station).

Jenis satelit

Jenis orbit

Banyak satelit dikategorikan atas ketinggian orbitnya, meskipun sebuah satelit bisa mengorbit dengan ketinggian berapa pun.

Orbit berikut adalah orbit khusus yang juga digunakan untuk mengkategorikan satelit:

  • Orbit Molniya, orbit satelit dengan perioda orbit 12 jam dan inklinasi sekitar 63°.
  • Orbit Sunsynchronous, orbit satelit dengan inklinasi dan tinggi tertentu yang selalu melintas ekuator pada jam lokal yang sama.
  • Orbit Polar, orbit satelit yang melintasi kutub

Daftar negara peluncur satelit

Negara-negara yang mampu meluncurkan satelit sendiri, termasuk pembuatan kendaraan peluncur.

Catatan: banyak negara yang dapat mendisain dan membuat satelit -yang mana bisa dibiliang tidak memerlukan kapasitas ekonomi, ilmu dan industri yang tinggi -- tetapi tidak mampu untuk meluncurkannya, dan mereka menggunakan peluncur asing. Daftar dibawah tidak menempatkan berbagai negara tersebut, dan hanya mencantumkan negara yang mampu meluncurkan satelitenya sendiri, ditambah tanggal dimana negara tersebut menunjukan kemampuannya. Seterusnya juga tidak mencantumkan konsorsium satelit atau satelite multinasional.

sumber: http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satelit

Peluncuran pertama dari berbagai negara
Urutan↓ Negara↓ Tahun Peluncuran Pertama↓ Roket↓ Satelit↓
1 Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Uni Soviet 1957 Sputnik-PS Sputnik 1
2 Flag of the United States.svg Amerika Serikat 1958 Juno I Explorer 1
3 Flag of France.svg Perancis 1965 Diamant Astérix
4 Flag of Japan.svg Jepang 1970 Lambda-4S Ōsumi
5 Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Cina 1970 Long March 1 Dong Fang Hong I
6 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Britania Raya 1971 Black Arrow Prospero X-3
7 Flag of India.svg India 1980 SLV Rohini
8 Flag of Israel.svg Israel 1988 Shavit Ofeq 1
Flag of Russia.svg Russia[1] 1992 Soyuz-U Templat:Kosmos
Flag of Ukraine.svg Ukraina[1] 1992 Tsyklon-3 Strela (x3, Russian)
9 Flag of Iran.svg Iran 2009 Safir-2 Omid 1

Daftar negara yang meluncurkan satelit dengan dibantu negara lain

Peluncuran pertama menurut negara termasuk bantuan dari pihak lain[1]
Negara↓ Tahun peluncuran↓ Satelit pertama↓ Payloads di orbit pada tahun 2008[2]↓
Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Uni Soviet
(Flag of Russia.svg Russia)
Sputnik 1
Flag of the United States.svg Amerika Serikat 1958 Explorer 1 1,042
Flag of Canada.svg Kanada 1962 Alouette 1 25
Flag of Italy.svg Italia 1964 San Marco 1 14
Flag of France.svg Perancis 1965 Astérix 44
Flag of Australia.svg Australia 1967 WRESAT 11
Flag of Germany.svg Jerman 1969 Azur 27
Flag of Japan.svg Jepang 1970 Ōsumi 111
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Cina 1970 Dong Fang Hong I 64
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Britania Raya 1971 Prospero X-3 25
Flag of Poland.svg Polandia 1973 Intercosmos Kopernikus 500 ?
Flag of the Netherlands.svg Belanda 1974 ANS 5
Flag of Spain.svg Spanyol 1974 Intasat 9
Flag of India.svg India 1975 Aryabhata 34
Flag of Indonesia.svg Indonesia 1976 Palapa A1 10
Flag of Czechoslovakia.svg Cekoslowakia 1978 Magion 1 5
Flag of Bulgaria.svg Bulgaria 1981 Intercosmos Bulgaria 1300
Flag of Brazil.svg Brasil 1985 Brasilsat A1 11
Flag of Mexico.svg Meksiko 1985 Morelos 1 7
Flag of Sweden.svg Swedia 1986 Viking 11
Flag of Israel.svg Israel 1988 Ofeq 1 7
Flag of Luxembourg.svg Luksemburg 1988 Astra 1A 15
Flag of Argentina.svg Argentina 1990 Lusat 10
Flag of Pakistan.svg Pakistan 1990 Badr-1 5
Flag of South Korea.svg Korea Selatan 1992 Kitsat A 10
Flag of Portugal.svg Portugal 1993 PoSAT-1 1
Flag of Thailand.svg Thailand 1993 Thaicom 1 6
Flag of Turkey.svg Turki 1994 Turksat 1B 5
Flag of Ukraine.svg Ukraina 1995 Sich-1 6
Flag of Chile.svg Chili 1995 FASat-Alfa 1
Flag of Malaysia.svg Malaysia 1996 MEASAT 4
Flag of Norway.svg Norwegia 1997 Thor 2 3
Flag of the  Philippines.svg Philippines 1997 Mabuhay 1 2
Flag of Egypt.svg Mesir 1998 Nilesat 101 3
Flag of Singapore.svg Singapura 1998 ST-1 1
Flag of the Republic of China.svg Taiwan 1999 ROCSAT-1
Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark 1999 Ørsted 3
Flag of South Africa.svg Afrika Selatan 1999 SUNSAT 1
Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg Arab Saudi 2000 Saudisat 1A 12
Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg Uni Emirat Arab 2000 Thuraya 1 3
Flag of Morocco.svg Maroko 2001 Maroc-Tubsat 1
Flag of Algeria.svg Aljazair 2002 Alsat 1 1
Flag of Greece.svg Yunani 2003 Hellas Sat 2 2
Flag of Nigeria.svg Nigeria 2003 Nigeriasat 1 2
Flag of Iran.svg Iran 2005 Sina-1 4
Flag of Kazakhstan.svg Kazakhstan 2006 KazSat 1 1
Flag of Belarus.svg Belarus 2006 BelKA 1
Flag of Colombia.svg Kolombia 2007 Libertad 1 1
Flag of Vietnam.svg Vietnam 2008 VINASAT-1 1
Flag of Venezuela.svg Venezuela 2008 Venesat-1 1


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